Comparison of braces
Internationally in recent years there has been confusion for Scoliosis braces.
Everyone says what they want depending on which brace they support.
However, there is the possibility of comparing braces different from each other.
Starting we should single out the 4 points that interest us and these are:
1- Mode of operation of the brace in the human body
2- Corrective ability of the brace in the scoliosis angle
3- Aesthetic correction
4- Easy use and acceptance by teenagers
1- comparison of braces in the way they function in the human body
Scoliosis is a three-dimensional disease. In addition to the oblique inclination, shown on an x-ray, they rotate around their axis, This is why they create humps.
In BOSTON type braces the correction is two-dimensional and the pressures on the body are symmetrical as they do not target the points of the scoliotic angle. They slightly correct the angle (on the X-ray) and do not correct the turn.
New technology braces are three-dimensional. That is, they press on the points of maximum lateral inclination with a direction as far as the angle of rotation of the vertebrae. They therefore correct scoliosis in three levels.
2- comparison of braces in terms of their Corrective ability
Boston type braces at best correct the angle radiologically especially at the lumbar spine by about 20-50%.
However, they hardly correct the thoracic scoliosis at all, as well as the rotation, with the result that the lateral inclination returns after the removal of the guardian.
Advanced Knowledge
These braces, such as SPONDYLOS Rigo-Cheneau, completely correct chest scoliosis.
The turn is reduced to a minimum and the result is maintained even after the removal of the guardian
3- comparison of braces in terms of their aesthetic correction
Old Technology
In these braces the aesthetic correction is minimal, since they can not correct the deviations of the pelvis and do not reverse.
Also a serious problem that braces create after a long application is the flat back, due to the hypokyphosis they create.
Deficiency in combination with thoracic scoliosis leads to severe respiratory failure with a decrease in the vital capacity (Vital Capacity) of the lungs.
The three-dimensional braces with more than 54 pressure and relaxation points restore the aesthetic image to the patients.
4- comparison of braces regarding their ease of use and acceptance by adolescents
Old Technology
These braces are bulky with metal rods and close behind. That is, they need the help of their parents to put in and take out the guardian.
Because they are bulky, they protrude from the clothes and are visible to others, with the result that their acceptance by teenagers, especially during school hours, is almost zero. Therefore, they do not wear them during hours when children are at school, in the tutoring center, etc.
Advanced Knowledge
The new technology 3D braces have no metal elements, they are very thin, about 2mm thick and most importantly, they tie from the front.
So the child puts it on and takes it off whenever he wants on his own, without the help of his parents.
Also because they are not bulky they do not look through the clothes and so the children for the most part do not have a problem at school.